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13 Replies
Sanade - March 31

Is it true that breastfeeding can reduce cancer? My friend told me about this but I'm not sure if it is really true.


princess - April 1

what specific cancer do you mean?breast cancer?I don't think so..It's not a guarantee!!!


Shane - April 1

Even if how many babies you have and breastfeed each baby, you may still develop breast cancer. Having breast tissue alone puts you at risk of breast disease.


MhadZ2K - April 1

Breastfeeding is known to offer numerous health benefits for the baby, but many women do not realize that it can also benefit them. A new study shows that breastfeeding can actually reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is just one more reason to consider breastfeeding, regardless of how you feel about it.


katie - April 1

Women who breastfeed reduce their risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 25%. The reduction in cancer risk comes in proportion to the cumulative lifetime duration of breastfeeding. That is, the more months or years a mother breastfeeds, the lower her risk of breast cancer.


shAshA - April 1

Yes there's a chance..One of the reasons for the cancer-fighting effects of breastfeeding is that estrogen levels are lower during lactation. It is thought that the less estrogen available to stimulate the lining of the uterus and perhaps breast tissue also, the less the risk of these tissues becoming cancerous.


Auerelle - April 1

Thanks for those who share on this forum. It is very informative that this topic has been discussed. I learned a lot from this. It is an eye-opener for me.


geraldine - April 1

Yes, it's very much true. Breastfeeding can really reduces the risks of having breast cancer. That's why it's very much recommended by all mothers in the world. It does not only gives the essential health benefits to the baby but for the mother as well.


tonette - April 2

A certain study of a Chinese found out that their breast cancer incidence dropped by 63% when they breastfeed for six years. so, this just proves that breastfeeding really reduces the risks of having breast cancer.


Madeline - April 2

This idea is an eye opener of mothers who don't like to breastfeed their babies. Why, they don't like to do the breastfeeding of their personal beauty reasons which is not for the help of their child.God is good all the time.


heatherlyn - April 2

Yeah, I guess many mothers would now want to breastfeed their babies because of this reason.


Joseff - April 3

As far as I know this can work in accordance to your physical ability. But try to do the breastfeeding, have the chance to share your healthy breast to your baby.


Hope - April 5

I"m not so certain about this breastfeeding, but I'm so sure that it can help in having a family planning.


pearlyn - April 5

I have heard a lot of health benefits on having breastfeeding. I really would want to have it too..but unfortunately, it's really I think not for me because my experienced in doing breastfeeding, is not as good as others..I feel the opposite and I feel like I'm having breast cancer on doing breastfeeding because of the painful effect on it on my breast.



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