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I need help
3 Replies
laur2419 - August 9

Last night I just found out that my fiance has a 0 sprem count. He has been diagnosed with klinefelter's syndrome so we knew this was a possibility, but I never thought it would actually happen. Now I feel like a horrible woman because I am considering not staying with him (our wedding is 2 months away). We have an appointment with a fertility specialist on Monday, but right now I am so confused I do not know what to do.

I am having a hard time even looking him in the eye because I do not want to say something that will hurt him, but I know ignoring him is not a good thing either. I love him more than I ever thought I could love another person, but what do I do now when my hope for a family is almost a gone?


may-ann - July 20

just because he has fertility issue doesn't mean he can no longer get you pregnant. all he need is treatment and your moral support. now to give up and cancel a planned marriage just because of small issue is just so unfair on his part! just saying..


PIA - July 29

i agree with may-ann here! i don't think you love him enough to consider his flaws. the mere fact that you're in doubts of spending your life with him just because of small issue is a big insult..


vidduh - July 31

if that's the case, i feel sad for your soon-to-be husband. it's not his fault that he's having this problem but it seems that he still has to suffer the



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