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twice the row
21 Replies
marionette - March 1

some causes for recurrent miscarriage are genetic, hormonal, antomical or blood clotting/immunological.


Vivienne - March 1

you are not alone with this problem and don't be upset that much.


brooke - March 1

did you happen to ask any advice from genetic counselors? they may help you to determine the effective way in capable of having baby.


monic - March 1

do not also forget to ask gynecologists and obstetricians.


emily - March 1

you can try taking folic acid before trying to get pregnant again, this is also needed right from the very first day of your conception.


Nona28 - April 10

Im so sorry to hear about that Nora. You remind me of a friend who was so desperate to have baby. She really takes the best of care when she got pregnant for the third time. She regularly visits her doctor, have a lot of bedrest and less work. And it worked!



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