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Women with Epileptic Problems Are Infertile
7 Replies
Shine - February 21

Is it true that women with epileptic problems are infertile and not capable of getting pregnant?


mildred - February 22

Not all women with epileptic problems are infertile. But women who are epileptic are at double risks in having infertility problem.


Johanna - February 22

The study of women in India, found that women with epilepsy experience infertility at more than twice the rate of that found in the general population.


Aiza - April 13

I don't think so. My Teacher is epileptic but she already have a baby and I think she's pregnant right now.


cris - April 13

Years ago, women who had epilepsy were often discouraged from getting pregnant. Today, that's no longer the case. Thanks to early and regular prenatal care, more than 90 percent of pregnant women who have epilepsy deliver healthy babies, according to the Epilepsy Foundation.


lovely mae - April 15

It's partially correct, because it does not happened to all women with epileptic just found out for few women. But I guess, with regards to infertility, it is actually depends on the kinds of epileptic she's having.


boo - July 31

not true! my mom has severe epilepsy but gave birth to 3 of us. i just couldn't imagine how she did it, but i'm very thankful she's strong.


amore - August 1

no! epilepsy does not make woman infertile.infact, most woman suffering with epilepsy deliver healthy babies although the combination of pregnancy and epilepsy is risky.



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