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15% of Pregnant Women are obese
12 Replies
Ileana - February 16

My weight on my first child was okay but on my second I was a vegetarian and I got overweight, just cannot explain why!


Portia - February 16

You only have to look around to see the massive weight problem that women have. Pregnant or not, we have a big problem in this country. Especially in pregnancy, you would think that women would be more careful. We are simply eating too much and moving too little, simple as that. You look at people driving to the supermarket and they would rather drive around and around until they get a space right outside the door, rather than walk a little bit extra.


Noelle - February 16

Obesity can have a wide range of complex and multi-factorial causes. One of which, your eating habits in both quantity and nutrition might have changed during your second pregnancy. Or it can be caused from some other factors.


Tirion - February 16

Yes there can be other factors contributing to weight gain, but in the majority of cases, people are just lazy and couldn't be bothered. Perhaps being pregnant is a temptation to eat whatever you want because it's like the perfect


Winter - February 16

Weight gain during pregnancy is perfectly normal. If you got fit again after your first pregnancy, then you can also get fit after your second pregnancy. I don't think you should worry about this for now. A few long walks and exercise might help.


carol22 - February 17

the pregnant woman would become obese due to the nutrients coming from the fruits and vegetables.


pretty mhama - February 18

Pregnant women should avoid eating too much.Because pregnancy obesity is associated with more health risks for both mother and the child.


meaze - February 19

to think that 15% of the pregnant woman are obese, and you can imagined that the pregnant have a big tummy and in addition of their size!!!


tonette - February 21

There are many pregnancy complications that's really related to obesity. it's not good to eat too much during pregnancy especially now a days that obesity becomes an epidemic. It's very recommended by the doctors that women need to lose weight before attempting to conceive.


justine - April 9

Maybe you need to exercise. I think vegetables alone is not balance.


Stephen - April 9

an overweight women due to pregnancy, is just a normal result as what I observed it is to my own analysis is the result of taking the prescribed vitamins for pregnancy women by the doctor.


chona - April 10

During pregnancy, most of the women weight increases in dabble..but I guess, it's just normal because some though their weight increases during pregnancy, it was also reduces after the delivery.


donita - April 11

Before i got pregnant i was so slim and sexy and when i had my first pregnancy my weight doubled and until now it didn't go back to my normal weight eventhough i do lots of walking and dancing. I'm also vegetarian and fish lover but i cant explain why i am still overweight. I think this is just normal.



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