Lower Your Body Fat with Vitamin C

Study Shows Vitamin C Increase Reduces Fat

Nutrition researchers at Arizona State University have concluded a study on the effects of vitamin C on fat oxidation. They reported that the amount of vitamin C in the blood stream relates directly to the body's ability to use fat as a fuel source when exercising or at rest.

The study suggests that an increased intake of vitamin C in the form of fresh citrus fruits may help with weight loss. People who consume enough vitamin C actually oxidize 30% more fat when performing normal exercises than those who are deficient in vitamin C. It is important to remember that this does not mean that vitamin C is the new magic bullet for obesity or the latest weight loss remedy. What it does show is that an insufficient amount of vitamin C in the blood stream is likely to impede weight loss.

How Vitamin C Affects Fat Molecules

The small protein-like molecule carnitine guides fat molecules into tissue cells where fat oxidation occurs. If there is a lack of fat molecules being directed to the area where they can be metabolized into energy, a person will feel fatigue and exhaustion. It follows then that a decrease in the levels of carnitine creates fat accumulation. Vitamin C is a vital component in the biosynthesis of carnitine, so if there is a deficiency of vitamin C, there is a decrease in carnitine production.

Vitamin C Deficiency Can Be Fixed

Vitamin C deficiency has increased significantly over the past 25 years - rising from 3-5% to 15% of adults in the US. The principle reason for the escalation in deficiency is the increase of food processing. Since vitamin C is negatively affected by light, heat and oxygen, processing kills the vitamin in foods that are processed. This holds true for other vitamins and minerals as well. By consuming a diet of processed foods, people are limiting the amount of important nutrients they are getting from what they eat.

Our bodies cannot generate vitamin C by themselves. That means the vitamin has to come from the foods we eat or from a supplement. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C - in the US - for individuals 19 years of age and older is 90mg for males and 75mg for females. As mentioned earlier, many adults - 40% of males and 38% of females - are deficient in this vitamin. By simply adding sufficient quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries and grapes, to their diet, most adults can rectify the deficiency very quickly.

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