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Best Contraceptive Method
5 Replies
moninah ninyah - January 28

I want to plan my pregnancy but I'm so hesitant to use some contraceptive methods because I know from a friend that it has lots of side effects. Anybody..especially those who have already tried it. Can you share with me what's your best contraceptive methods and why?


Jo Ann - January 28

The best method is the natural family planning method. It has no side effects. All you have to do is to talk to your husband and make an agreement to have a control for two weeks, no sexual contact. If you can control not to urinate while riding in a bus even if your urine is in a hurry to move out,then why sexual play could not be controlled for only two weeks. It is just in your well-power...a strong self control.


mhariz - January 31

What is best for one woman may not be the best for you. You can go to your health center and ask for some assistance. You can choose whether artificial or natural method. Whichever you prefer.


kelly thomas - February 1

Yep! It's good to have a medical consultation with the expert before trying to use any contraceptives. After some tests and c=physical check-up you will be advised to used the contraceptive that really fits for you.


Mrs. K - April 13

Yes there are side effects in using contraceptives. I go for natural family planning.


kelly - April 14

The answer to that question depends on your definition of "best." The choice of birth control depends on factors such as a person's health, frequency of sexual activity, number of partners, and desire to have children in the future.



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