hi guys i am a mother of 3 beautiful kids with 2 of them by cesarian section. i have been not complaining about my period since it`s regular not until 3 months ago that i usually had bleeding. i went for an ultrasound and everything's fine. i am so worried now. what do you think this is? thanks in advance.
You must consult another doctor, it is unusual events. Why do you bleed? It is a question to be answered of not so sure. You said that you have already gone to ultrasound but the result is fine. Take another action and be ready for the diagnosed.
there are things which a doctor can not instantly understand.... the illness. As we can imagined they are also studying the course, they are not God of whose power cannot be question.
How about consult another physician so that medication be given immediately.
Yes, I guess you are just being stressed out too. Usually, those women who have just undergone a c-s section should not over stressed themselves anymore because you have experience a major kind of operation..so your work habit should not be anymore the same.
have you been into pap smear before? i had a friend who has this abnormal bleeding and the gyne told her that her ovary lining is thick and needs a pap smear.
there were times which I myself experienced like what you've been shared to this forum. I also don't know the cause of it, this strange feeling still I have it now.But still I've come -up to my self and keep assured to be strong.
You better see a specialists to know your condition, why you experience strange bleeding..it's not okey if you just take this for granted, you need to know the real truth behind your health condition..because actually having such strange bleeding is really not normal anymore.
An article I read informed that there was a doctor who operated a woman in a cesarean method of delivery happened to cut a vessel in a reproductive organ. That this may cause her not be able to urinate. That this she was operated again to be checked.
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