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How is safe to use a Pantyliner?
10 Replies
sheannz - February 8

Now, the trend of the young ones is to use a pantyliner. My daughter always use a pantyliner at first I hesitate to allow her to use that thing, because in my own thinking, it can give a serious effect.


mae vida - February 12

Just let her wear a pantyliner just during her period, or when travelling.I also don't suggest to use it everyday because it can also irritate our vagina and the doctor told me that it can also a cause of UTI.That is only based on my experience.


cHERine - February 12

Me, i never wear pantyliners especially those with scent because it can certainly trigger reactions. Before, i used to wear pantyliners but i've noticed that it can only cause itchiness and discomfort, so,i stopped and just change underwear everytime i feel wet.


mocca baby - February 15

I used a pantyliner before but I stopped from using it, when I notice and I experience some rashes all over my vagina which is so painful during sex. I think using pantyliner is not gals out there, better be careful!


geraldine - February 16

Yes, some pantyliner gives some bad effects to the irritation and rashes, but if you have this kind of feeling better not used it or consult first the experts what kind of pantyliner that fits just for you and which is also safe enough to use.


Energetix - February 16

I certainly agree for that idea. It is not safe to use a pantyliner it might cause some bad effects or this might cause a cancer. The trend now a days may not help the other side of life.


Flowerette - February 17

it depends upon the brand. there are brand which has good quality and there are also a brand that can cause an allergy.


joanne - February 19

Yes, it's safe to use a pantyliner as long as you change it frequently to avoid any infection.


sashy_009 - February 22

Pantyliner is good and safe to use. I have been using it for so many years and I don't have any problems or even get a genital issues at all.


Trexze - February 22

there are different reaction to a certain product; some may not having a problem of it but to other it may not only a problem but already an illness.


naaze - February 24

it is not safe to use a pantyliner all the time. Pantyliner might give you rushes that could result side effects which could harmed your vagina or it might cause a UTI(utinerary tract infections.



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