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Ovarian Pain
5 Replies
missy - February 2

For the last 2 years i have been suffering from ovarian cysts. i have tried man different treatments (surgery, birth control, aspirations, hormone therapies, vitamins) and nothing works. i have had biopsies, and CA-125 tests and nothing is cancerous which is good. my first doctor diagnosed me with pcos but other than the cysts, i have none of the other symptoms.

i am tired of dealing with the pain. has anyone had an experience like mine? if so any ideas?


Laura - February 3

I have learned from an article that Vitamin K is a possible, and perhaps not well known, cause of ovarian pain.Try to eat foods that is rich in Vitamin K.Vitamin K deficiency might be the possible reason.Just try.


Laura - February 3

Another thing missy is that, try to consult your doctor with the vitamins that you are taking because according to an article VITAMIN E is known for thinning the blood and acts as a blocker for vitamin K.


monique - February 3

Painful ovarian syndrome are most often found to be in women with more fat distribution, in their upper part of the body, menstrual cycles being irregular, and with past history of ovarian cysts.


sweetie - August 2

i had right ovarian cyst prior to my pregnancy but it disappeared when i gave birth. i don't know why, i just want to share this.


guinivere - August 3

pain relievers, medications and all that cannot and will not suffice. remember that it is also important to take care of your health and eat right.



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