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painful when peeing
10 Replies
gemma - April 11

i don't understand why i always had this very painful feeling every time i pee. i also feel that's it like burning from the inside.


elsa - April 11

maybe you have UTI try to get some check-up.


bernz - April 11

experiencing painful pea is not really a good sign where you feel discomfort or pain.


rylle - April 11

for both men and women, this is usually a symptom of having urinary tract infection, an infection.


clara - April 11

you know you have urinary tract infection when you feel the burning sensation of pain whenever you pee.


tabie - April 12

not only that, you always feel like peeing all the time and somehow your pee shows some spots of blood.


shanice - April 12

sometimes painful urination can also be caused by vaginal irritation or infection.


Lorry KC. - April 12

vaginal inflammation is most common to us women because we are much prone to any irritation.


caroline - April 12

drink plenty of water and eat fruits. you need to be sure you are avoiding too much of sweets.


cynthia - April 12

should you not risk your health, the best way to treat that or diagnose your condition is to see the doctor as soon as possible.


bernadeth - April 13

i experience that kind of feeling before that everytime i pee, i feel the very painful burning sensation but it wasn't uti actually, it's vulvovaginitis which in cause of it give me that painful feeling.



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