I'm in an early of an adult age. I got curious about the sexual act because of what I saw in the movies. What I did was to do "it" on myself and I get satisfaction. Presently, I do it three times a week. Am I nymhomaniac?
Yes, I agree too. Masturbation is a normal thing to do. When you want to feel and do the act and can't have somebody to have it..it's better do it on yourself than have it to others by force, right?
It is a normal act. But if someone would do it habitually, then it is another story for it can cause abnormal satisfaction in an actual sex with a lifetime partner.
i say it's totally normal and it happens to everybody. but then again, if you do it like a habit or a pastime, or you can no longer control yourself from doing it, that's the time to worry.
it's okay to do it once in a while or whenever you feel like doing it. i don't see any reason why you shouldn't do it. but then again if it's beyond limits then there's a possibility of becoming nymphomaniac sooner or later.
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