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How long after egg transfer
8 Replies
Tashi - February 26

Hope everyone had a great day. I'm going through my second round of Ivf, 1st was in September with no such luck. I'll be going in for my retrieval sometime next week and was wondering how long I should stay off my feet after the transfer. My doctors been great, but didn't seem that concerned when I asked him this, but a friend that has been through Ivf mentioned 48hrs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


Ardis - February 26

I had my 3-day transfer last Sunday and my RE said to take it easy for 3 days. He never mentioned bed rest or to stay off my feet, but just to take it easy. So far, I have had no cramps or anything.


Liliana - February 26

My RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist)wants me to do 3 days after transfer - total of 4 days and then 2 days house arrest.


Argenta - February 26

I take it easy for 3 days. Watch some movies let your husband pamper you, you've worked hard. good luck!


Felicity - February 26

It's normally 3 days. So, don't think much about it for the mean time. Rest, enjoy and pamper yourself while waiting. You might want to go to the Spa, have a foot massage, mani, pedi and facial. That will definitely help you relax.


Pauline - February 26

Good! Be thankful to God that you have not experienced cramps. It takes right after the sperm fertilize an egg.


Gonzales - April 13

Take it from your friend who had an experience. I think she's right and ask her some advice on what's the best thing to do. Good luck!


beatrice - April 13

A healthy human embryo will hatch from its shell on day 5-7 after fertilization and implant within hours after hatching out. So actual invasion of the embryo with attachment to the uterine wall occurs about 2-5 days after a day 3 transfer and within 1-3 days after a day 5 transfer.


Tarrah - September 9

the actual invasion of the embryo with attachment to the uterine wall will occur about two to five days after a day 3 transfer and within one to three days after a day 5 transfer.



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