My husband and I tried to have a child 2 and a half years ago, and I miscarried at 6 weeks.
We tried again this year and miscarried. My symptoms continued and I never got a period until yesterday, but it was extremely painful and today much to my grief, I expelled a fetus still in it's sac followed by placenta and a lot of blood. (sorry to be graphic) I believe I had twins and I lost my little survivor. It's hard, and I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, I feel completely drained of energy and overwhelming feelings of sadness. I feel like I've been cursed and I'm afraid to try again because I can't go through this grief again.
I'm sorry. I know where you're coming from. I just had my 6th miscarriage at the beginning of this year. I'm still driven to keep trying though. I want kids too much to quit, even if it means going through more miscarriages to get there.
Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear that you had to undergo something so horrifying. Take your time to grieve your loss. You will one day feel ready to try again. Trust me. Until then, cry, scream, whatever you feel like doing. Do take care of your health. It's important that you do so for your recovery.
I am so sorry to hear that. I had an ectopic in January after my husband and I had been trying for over a year to get pregnant. I got pregnant the first normal cycle I had with twins and they are still going strong. We were completely shocked because with me getting a tube removed from the ectopic and it happening so recently, we were convinced it was going to take a long time... it just goes to show, that you never know, and when the time is right, you will be blessed with a beautiful family.
Stephanie, I am so sorry for you loss. If you haven't already, please see a doctor to make sure you're okay. Your body might need some healing time after this traumatic later miscarriage before you start trying again.
Having to experience a miscarriage is a very depressing experience more on having to lose a twins. But my advise is you have to see a doctor and have you taking cared of properly during a repeated pregnancy so an experience like this would not happen again.
it is not simple to bring the pain of miscarriages. but in reality, it must be faced. Don't let your self worth vanished. God loves you more than you love yourself
Don't give up, the pain that you are experiencing will in able you to become a better and strong person in the future. Just don't give up on trying..who knows in the end, you will be happy.
no, don't get discouraged . What was done it occurred to be done. the more you will become saddened if those would be died in their active teenage. We are just a pro-creators of God. We don't know what would be the event for tomorrow. God knows what is best for us.
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