Tips to get pregnant fast
13 Replies
I feel so envy why others get so pregnant that fast and easy while I, still patiently waiting to get pregnant. It is almost 2 years now since I got married and been planning to conceive but unlucky not yet blessed to be so. Any helpful tips you can give? Would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
Most healthy women waited for only six to 12 months to conceive a child.There must be something wrong with your health with your case.
If you are taking or using any forms of birth control, quit taking or using it several months before you planned to get pregnant.
I know how frustrating that is to keep on struggling to get pregnant. Just hold on and keep hoping and working to get pregnant.
A lot of people are saying that when you are into birth control pills and then you eventually stop taking it, you easily and quickly get pregnant.
You need to know when your body ovulates.
You might be sort of overweight, so watch your weight and be sure to eat well.
It should not be only you who is healthy but your partner as well. You two worked together to be fit to have a baby.
If in case you do smoke, be sure to quit smoking.
You might be too stressed and overworked that is why getting pregnant is too hard on you. If possible, free yourself from all the stress in life and get plenty of rest.
Try to have BBT really works for us and I think it's also works for you too. It's already proven to be very effective ways and means in getting pregnant fast.
To be pregnant, one must has determination to have it. Have a healthy lifestyle.During sexual activity, the husband and wife must know when is the fertilization period and when is the menstrual flow.
To become pregnant fast, one must be known about when you ovulate and when it is not. at the time of ovulation it is the time that you have to undergo a sexual play if possible make an overtime of doing it. anyway your partner is your husband. don't be shy to your husband take the first move in doing the sexual activities.
How about eating the right food which is needed to our body. And also the right exercise. Then have a healthy attitude.