I'm new to this and I'm having trouble trying to get pregnant.
I'm married and have me and my husband want a baby so bad but we can't. We're trying for the last year and nothing happens. Could anyone please help me on getting pregnant. Please what can I do or take to have a baby?
You need to track when you are ovulating for starters. Also, make an appointment with your doctor and have both you and your husband checked to make sure you are both healthy.
I really think the next step should be to see a doctor. There are lots of reasons why you can't get pregnant and most of them are fixable. Also, is the potential father of this baby the same as the father of your first child? Even you were both able to get pregnant before his sperm count may have changed. So you both need to get checked out.
Stress may be another factor. I have a friend who tried for 2 yrs, nothing. No problems with either of them medically. They went away on vacation and what do you know, she got pregnant and the time of conception was while they were on vacation. Their second child was also conceived while they were on vacation too. So maybe a stress free get away from all care will do the trick. But do get evaluated medically first. Good luck.
First things first, you and your husband need to get yourselves checked. Also a sperm count will definitely help. You need to figure out first if there's something in your body that is stopping you from conceiving, so a visit to your Gyn should be a priority.
Secondly, don't stress and don't think about it too much. Enjoy yourselves as a couple and just keep trying. You'll never know it might just come when you least expect it.
If you and your husband are trying hard to get pregnant in order to have a baby but still nothing happens, then I think you need an experts intervention. I think they could help you a lot and they could also give ways on what are proper things you need to do to get pregnant rather than doing sexual intercourse.
Pray for it dear. Nothing compares than having a faith in Him 'cause He's the one who plans and knows everything. I wish you goodluck. I'm sure you'll have a baby soon.
When trying to get pregnant, it is necessary that you know your ovulation cycle and have regular sexual intercourse during your most fertile times of a month. This is a sure way you will do to really have a baby.
Have you tried the BBT charting method? It's a way of charting your ovulation so that you can determine your days of when you are most fertile. Try this probably, this can help you in getting pregnant.
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