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Irregular Menstrual Cycle
7 Replies
Phil Cedrick - January 31

How is infertility related to an irregular menstrual cycle? I have an irregular menstrual cycle. I'm so afraid that I can't able to conceive because of my menstrual irregularities.
Please give me your nice opinion.


Reggie 45 - February 1

It is better to consult a doctor so that you can be given a right medication and vitamins.There's a saying that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.


kelly thomas - February 3

Having irregular menstrual cycle is one of the signs of having infertility problems but it could also point to a lot of things and does not necessarily mean that you are infertile.


dominique - February 5

If you know by this time that you always have irregular menstrual cycle, then it's good to consult the doctor as early as possible so that you will know also if your irregular menstrual cycle is so related to infertility issue or not.


devine grace - February 8

There are women who have really regular menstrual cycles but it doesn't mean that they will have infertility issues and it's impossible for them to get pregnant. I have known many women you experience irregular menstrual cycles but fortunately, they still get pregnant.


alex - April 13

Irregular periods can make getting pregnant more difficult, but they don't necessarily mean you won't be able to get pregnant on your own. The cause of your irregular periods, how irregular your periods are, and whether or not you can time sex for pregnancy accurately will all factor into the chances of your getting pregnant.


Kris - April 13

You'll get pregnant at the right time. You just need to be patient in waiting.


erica - July 31

there's no way you can get pregnant if you have irregular periods. see your gyne and ask for treatment to make your period regular.



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