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Endured Mastectomy
12 Replies
Rhonae - February 10

In the past years,breast cancer was not known to the public. Times have changed though. breast cancer specifically concern to females. How can it be avoided?


samantha faye - February 11

Actually, there's no sure way that breast cancer be prevented. I think breast cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight and also through breast feeding your babies.


joanne - February 11

If you are into family with lots of breast cancer history, you are also in higher risks of getting it. But you can prevent it by maintaining a healthy lifestyles.


sammyKay - February 11

If it is not in your genes, you can easily avoid it. But if it in your genes then you confide to your ob-gyne so that you can be given of what to do and to avoid of what not to do.


Venice - February 12

All I know is constant hair dying can cause blindness.


roselyn - April 9

one way of preventing breast cancer is to live a healthy lifestyle like eating organic food and also drinking filtered water.


sheila - April 10

it can be avoided by proper care of one self!


bev - August 3

it is very important to have an annual breast checkup. with that being said, you will definitely prevent breast cancer from early diagnose.


roxy - August 3

as always the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. the best ways to start on preventing breast cancer is to avoid becoming overweight, keep physically active and drink little or no alcohol.


edelyn - August 4

anyone can be a victim of breast cancer, that is why women should look up to their health. avoid smoking and breastfeeding your children can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in later years.


hazel - August 4

regular breast cancer screenings is important even if you don't feel any adverse pain or signs around your breasts.


maribel - August 4

they said that one factor can increase the risk of having breast cancer is taking menopausal hormone therapy. as much as possible, choose natural method instead.


Edil - August 4

breast cancer prevention starts with healthy habits.



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